Sunday 25 August 2013

I left my heart in San Francisco

I left my heart in San Francisco by Tony Bennett is so evocative (see lyrics), didn't you just know I would be saving this one up for the last day of our holiday. It means a lot to me, as when I wondered where I would want to be at the start of the new millennium I decided to celebrate it here, and have a vivid memory of hearing Bennett sing the song just after Midnight on the 1st of January 2000. The thrill still goes through me as I hear the song:
I left my heart in San Francisco, High on a hill, it calls to me. To be where little cable cars climb halfway to the stars. The morning fog may chill the air, I don't care.
Every time I'm lucky enough to come back to the city I fall in love with it all over again. 
Goldfish and Triton Ducks, Hotel Triton, San FranciscoMore Triton Ducks, this time below the water container, Hotel Triton, San Francisco
The Hotel Triton is part of this, it is a art-deco chic boutique hotel in the heart of the city, with Chinatown gate outside and just two blocks to Union Square. I first stopped here in 1996 on my way home from Australia, since then I have stayed here in 1997, 2000 (in January and September), 2002, 2009 and now. It is always a brilliant experience and the Triton Ducks are always part of the scene, even to Drew being given one as a gift from my sister back in 2009.

As ever we started the day (or two days as it will be by the time we get home) with a coffee in the room at 5.30 am. We shaved, showered and packed ready to leave the room at 8.30 am, when we checked out and lodged out bags with the hotel.

It was then up Grant Avenue to California and another ride down the California line Cable Car to Van Ness, the terminus. We walked down Van Ness a little and came across a small local deli, called Sammy's. We decided to stop here for breakfast. When paying I was particularly impressed when my receipt was e-mailed to me, I had to put the e-mail address into the iPad at the till, talk about cool technology.

Breakfast at Sammy's, Van Ness, San FranciscoOrange Juice, Breakfast at Sammy's, Van Ness, San Francisco
We started with an Orange Juice each and then I had ham, 2 eggs and cheese on wheat toast and Drew opted for bacon, 2 eggs and cheese. We both had Americanos with these. 
Golden Gate Park, San Francisco
We then walked down to Geary and caught the 38 down to 6th Avenue, from there we changed on to the 44 for the trip into Golden Gate Park one of the smartest green areas in the city. 

From the park we caught the 71 down to Market and Van Ness, then changed to the 49 to go up the 20 blocks from here to California. Then back on the Cable Car up California until Grant Avenue, where we got off (that's $20 today, making it $72 worth of travel for $22 payment - a great deal. Thanks San Francisco Muni).

Drew then went to sit in St. Mary's Square while I went to Mass in St. Mary's Church, right opposite. Mass was at 12.05 pm. Having a ten hour flight and losing 8 hours in timezones means that I am missing 18 hours of Saturday/Sunday. So how to get to Mass for this Sunday? Well I researched this in advance of the holiday and found this advice about when the period for the vigil mass of Sunday begins, i.e. after Noon on Saturday. So to avoid any problem with missing my attendance, late on Sunday night UK time. I attended Mass at 12.05 today to fulfil my obligation.

Following Mass we went for lunch. Just half a block from our hotel we found a lovely French style bistro we had not seen before called Le Central. It was a lovely place.
Onion Soup, Dinner at Le Central, Bush Street San FranciscoDuck Rillette, Dinner at Le Central, Bush Street San Francisco
I started with Duck Rillette, which had a lovely texture and melted in the mouth. Drew opted for Onion Soup and that was served in the French style with lots of cheese over the top.
Pork Chops with rasberry, red cabbage and potato gratin, Dinner at Le Central, Bush Street San FranciscoCassoulet , Dinner at Le Central, Bush Street San Francisco
For mains I opted for the 'Le Central' Cassoulet, the cassoulet was made with lovely white beans with duck confit, Toulouse sausage and lamb, filling and very, very tasty. Drew opted for Pork Chop which had a raspberry sauce and was served with red cabbage and potato gratin. 
Blueberry Crumble and Ice Cream, Dinner at Le Central, Bush Street San Francisco
Drew then had a blueberry crumble and ice-cream. At the end of the meal he wondered if this had been the best food of the holiday, certainly from his perspective the best or a close second to the Pirogue Grille in Bismarck. For me it was yesterday's cioppino that won the prize of best food of the holiday.
Lotta's Fountain, Market St, San Francisco
After lunch we walked around Market Street visiting the Apple Store and walked past Lotta's Fountain, that I don't remember seeing before.
Drew sitting in one of the chairs in the lobby, Hotel Triton, San Francisco
At about 3.00 pm we went back to the Triton and sat and rested for awhile having made arrangements to depart for the Airport at 4.00 pm. We arrived at 4.45 and went straight through Check-in and security. By 5.15 we were in a coffee shop using the free wi-fi to submit photos to Flickr and write this post.

All being well we board in 30 minutes and leave here at 7:45 pm. Arriving back in the UK by 2.00 pm UK time tomorrow.


  1. Wow they expecting super tall folk to come! Way tall chair Drew is on! Have a good journey home!

    1. Thanks Linda,

      I think it is for decor rather than size. With a large room, the chairs look less out of place.

  2. Well done for having kept up each day with such an informative blog - as well as doing all that stuff.

    1. And thanks for your comments Robin, it has been nice to have you with us. And thanks too for the idea to title the posts with a song - added an additional challange.

  3. I have really enjoyed your blog Haydn ! Thanks so much .have a safe journey home.

    1. Hi Cheryl,

      thanks, got home safely a few moments ago. See you soon.

  4. I am going to have to trial a blog myself Haydn, you have given me ideas - I have started one before (someone told me I had) but could not remember what it was called or the password etc. I keep images of my journey in flickr and Facebook but I also keep paperwork and tickets, books etc even the freebie pack Virgin Atlantic gave on the plane! And teaspoons ..... I seem to have a fondness for them!

    1. Yes it is a great way to recall things later, as well as share things with friends.

    2. Now I know where my teaspoons vanish too. I keep buying them, but one by one they disappear.

    3. Hi Robin,

      Did you really mean to post this here?? It seems to be about something else.

  5. good to hear you are both back safe and sound by the way!

  6. The Bonzos did a parady of Tony Bennet's song back in 1967. A great comedy act, way ahead of their time.
    But this is not one of their best.
